DSTF er medlem af de toksikologiske internationale organisationer EUROTOX og IUTOX. Husk at du via dit medlemskab i DSTF kan drage fordel af eventuelle medlemsfordele hos disse organisationer.
European Registered Toxicologist (ERT)
Dansk Selskab for Toksikologi og Farmakologi (DSTF) varetager det nationale danske register over ERT-registrerede toksikologer efter standarder vedtaget af EUROTOX. Det danske register er en del af EUROTOX’ internationale ERT-register, og ERT-godkendte toksikologer i Danmark vil opnå optagelse i begge registre. Toksikologer kan ansøge om optagelse i det nationale danske ERT-register, såfremt de opfylder optagelsesbetingelserne samt bor og/eller arbejder i Danmark. Find mere information her.
Toksikologi relateret news
- SFT webinar about mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics
Join the free, online seminar “mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics – Nobel prize findings in action” with Patrik Andersson and Martin Billger from AstraZeneca R&D in Gotheburg, that present the latest technology using mRNA for production of vaccines.
The Swedish Society of Toxicology (SFT) will arrange a hybrid seminar about mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics on the 12th of December at 16:00 – 17:00 (CEST)
The seminar can be accessed online via zoom
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Join the hybrid seminar “Toxicity and health effects of particles – from mechanisms to human exposure” to honor the winner of The Swedish Society of Toxicology Award for best PhD Thesis in Toxicology 2022: Sarah McCarrick, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.
At the seminar we will also have talks from Professor Dr Andrea Hartwig, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Professor Dr Flemming Cassee, Uutrecht University, Department Population Health Sciences, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences and Professor Christer Johansson, Stockholm University, Department of Environmental Science.
The seminar will take place friday the 22nd of September at 14:30 to 16:30 (CEST), the seminar can be watched at Samuelssonsalen, Karolinska Institutet, Tomtebodavägen 6, Solna or online via zoom
The program and more information can be accessed here
- Toxics 2024 Travel Award—Deadline: 31 October 2023
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that Toxics will be granting the Travel Award to a junior scientist. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee consisting of senior scholars from the Toxics Editorial Board.
This award provides financial support for the winner to attend an international conference in the field of toxicology to be held in 2024, in order to hold a presentation, present a poster, or both.
Candidate Requirements:
- Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students;
- Plans to attend an international conference in 2024 (oral presentation or poster).
Required Application Documents:
- Information of the conference that the applicant is planning to attend and the abstract that will be submitted;
- Curriculum vitae and list of publications;
- Justification letter describing the focus of the research (max. 800 words);
- Letter of recommendation from the supervisor, research director, or department head, which also confirms the applicant’s status as a postdoctoral fellow/PhD student.
The winner (one awardee) will be awarded CHF 800 and a certificate.
Please apply by clicking here before the 31 October 2023. Prizes will be awarded at the end of December 2023 and announced on the Toxics website.
Kind regards,
Toxics Editorial Office
- DSTF annual meeting 2023
Our annual meeting 2023 takes places October 9-10, 2023 at Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg. This year’s theme is “Reproduction and fetal development – pharmacological and toxicological aspects”.
The registration is open, as well as the abstract submission for the early career session.
- NorthTox2023 – April 20-21 – Stockholm
Welcome to NorthTox in Stockholm,
Aula Magna, Stockholm University,
April 20-21, 2023.This Hybrid Conference is a new Nordic collaboration that aims to catalyze the interactions between Nordic toxicologists, and strengthen the field of toxicology in the Nordic region. The scientific theme of the first NorthTox meeting is “Toxicology in the Anthropocene” and the program focusses on the multifaceted links between planetary health, biodiversity and human health, and describe the important role of toxicology in the work needed for the successful transformation to a safe, sustainable society. The meeting has four sessions, which include both invited speakers and oral presentations selected among the submitted abstracts. There will also be a poster session, poster awards, and other activities specifically for Early Career Toxicologists.
Registration for NorthTox 2023 is now open!
A reduced registration fee is applied for members of DSTF or members of the other Nordic Societies of Toxicology, who participate in person or online.
Don’t miss the NorthTox dinner at Stora Skuggans Värdshus, Thursday 20 April. Please note that the number of seats for dinner are limited. First come first served! Visit the SFT webpage or follow them on LinkedIn for the latest NorthTox updates!SFT welcome abstracts both for oral presentations related to the session topics.
Abstracts for poster presentations are not limited to the theme of the NorthTox meeting. Poster presentations within all field of toxicology are welcome. Master and PhD students can compete for the poster presentation award.
The early career activities are applicable to a wide audience, from master students to post docs in toxicology and related firelds. The event will be centered around networking and professional career development, with activities geared toward presenting different career paths for both current and future toxicologists.
- Application for EUROTOX recognition of courses
EUROTOX has established a procedure to recognize courses as part of the comprehensive theoretical training for registration of toxicologists as European registered toxicologist ERT or continuing professional development (CPD) for the purpose of maintaining ERT registration. The aim of the recognition is to make it easier for individuals to find suitable courses. However national registers still decide whether the EUROTOX recognised course is recognised in the national recognition system.
Information on EUROTOX recognition of courses is available in Annex 2 to the ERT guideline: https://www.eurotox.com/ert/
For the list of currently recognized courses see https://www.eurotox.com/courses-for-ert/
The application form can be found here. Deadlines for application for recognition is March 1 and October 1, each year.
- EUROTOX News: Looking head to 2023
The latest EUROTOX newsletter is out, read about EUROTOX 2023 in Ljubljana, call for EUROTOX 2024 session proposals, recent job ads, toxicological course, etc.
See the news letter and subscribe here.
- Editor-in-Chief of BCPT
- EUROTOX November 2022 Newsletter
Se EUROTOX november 2022 Newsletter her med informationer on EUROTOX2023 konferencen, EUROTOX nominations, og andre spændende nyheder.
- 3Rs In Toxicology: Promises and difficulties
Join Swedish Society of Toxicology’s webinar “3Rs In Toxicology: Promises and difficulties” on November 7 at 14:00 – 16:00 (CET) and discuss the future of toxicology with the speakers Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Andy Forreryd, SenzaGen, Petronella Kettunen, University of Gothenburg, and Camilla Svensson, Swedish Medical Products Agency.
To join online use this link: https://lnkd.in/dGnQT9Sj
- ANNUAL Meeting 2022
It was with great pleasure that we once again invited all interested to the DSTF annual meeting, October 11-12, 2022 at Sandbjerg Estate near Sønderborg. The meeting theme was Metabolic diseases: Novel toxicological and pharmacological insights, and included presentation from both national and international speakers.
See more here.Group picture from Annual Meeting 2022
- BCPT Nordic Prize 2022
Professor, DMSc, Kim Brøsen has been awarded the BCPT Nordic Prize for 2022 in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Kim Brøsen has been a towering presence within European clinical pharmacology for 35 years. He is internationally recognized as an innovative, pioneering, and leading researcher within human drug metabolism and pharmacogenomics. He has been a strong developer and promoter of clinical pharmacology training, and he has tirelessly pursued the implementation of clinical pharmacology as a medical specialty with a recognizable and respected professional identity. Additionally, he has an elite publication record and resides deservedly among the Highly Cited Researchers within clinical pharmacology. He is known for his strong strategic competences and his ability to create and nurse national and international networks. Not least, he is known for his inspiration and support to young researchers and is appreciated for his genuine overall academic approach, social generosity, and humour.
- BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize 2022
Tore Bjerregaard Stage has been awarded the BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize for 2022 in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Tore Bjerregaard Stage was born in 1987, Odense, Denmark, and studied pharmacy at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), from 2007-12. After graduation, he completed his PhD in clinical pharmacology at SDU from 2012-15, and the title of the thesis was: ”Pharmacogenetics and Drug Interactions in Relation to Treatment with Metformin”. Hereafter, he held a position as a postdoc at the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, from 2016-17. After his return to Denmark, he was assistant professor at Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Department of Public Health, SDU, from 2017-19. Since 2019, he has been associate professor at the same department.
- Meeting Toxicology in Denmark
DSTF hosted a meeting on “Toxicology in Denmark” on the 21.-22 April 2022, with more than 50 participants from Danish governmental institutions, industry, research institutions, and universities, as well as representatives from toxicology in Norway and Finland. The meeting was sponsored by BCPT.
The purpose of the meeting was to gather toxicologists in Denmark for mutual discussions of ongoing activities, needs for education, collaboration, exchange visits and accreditation via ERT under EUROTOX.The aims of the meeting were several:
- Stressing the relevance of toxicology with focus on Danish competences and needs.
- Increased collaboration amongst toxicologists and others
- Raised awareness of certification as European Certified Toxicologist (ERT) under EUROTOX.
The abstract book can be found here and links to the presentations can be found here.