Annual meeting 2024

The Danish Society for Toxicology and Pharmacology (DSTF) are proud to announce our Annual Meeting 2024 which will take place on Monday and Tuesday November 11-12 2024 at the beautiful Sandbjerg Estate near Sønderborg. The program for the annual meeting can be seen here The registration is open now and will […]

Summer meeting: Early clinical research in Denmark

Danish Society for Toxicology and Pharmacology (DSTF) and several other interested parties are proud to announce the upcoming summer meeting entitled "Early Clinical Research in Denmark". The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13 2024, at Aarhus University.

Invitation to CyTOF symposium at Folkehelseinstituttet

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s mass cytometry (CyTOF) platform has the pleasure of welcoming you to a CyTOF seminar on 5 March 2024, in collaboration with AH diagnostics and Standard Biotools. International and local speakers will present various areas of application and newer methods within infections and vaccines, […]

SFT webinar about mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics

Join the free, online seminar “mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics – Nobel prize findings in action” with Patrik Andersson and Martin Billger from AstraZeneca R&D in Gotheburg, that present the latest technology using mRNA for production of vaccines. The Swedish Society of Toxicology (SFT) will arrange a hybrid […]

Joint EPHAR‐EACPT Young Investigator Awards in Translational Pharmacology

The Federation of European Pharmacology Societies (EPHAR) and the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) are pleased to announce a joint initiative to recognise projects of excellence in translational research in pharmacology. There will be 2 awards of EUR 1,000 each that will be given in […]

Hybrid seminar “Toxicity and health effects of particles – from mechanisms to human exposure”

Join the hybrid seminar “Toxicity and health effects of particles – from mechanisms to human exposure” to honor the winner of The Swedish Society of Toxicology Award for best PhD Thesis in Toxicology 2022: Sarah McCarrick, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. At the seminar we will also have […]

Toxics 2024 Travel Award—Deadline: 31 October 2023

Dear Colleagues,  We are pleased to announce that Toxics will be granting the Travel Award to a junior scientist. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee consisting of senior scholars from the Toxics Editorial Board. This award provides financial support for the winner to attend an international conference in the […]

DSTF annual meeting 2023

Our annual meeting 2023 takes places October 9-10, 2023 at Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg. This year’s theme is “Reproduction and fetal development – pharmacological and toxicological aspects”. The registration is open..

NorthTox2023 – April 20-21 – Stockholm

This Hybrid Conference is a new Nordic collaboration that aims to catalyze the interactions between Nordic toxicologists, and strengthen the field of toxicology in the Nordic region.

19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2023)

From 2-7 July 2023, the global pharmacology and therapeutics community will unite in Glasgow, Scotland for the World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. Abstract Submission Deadline is Now 14 February 2023