BCPT Nordic Prize 2022

Professor, DMSc, Kim Brøsen has been awarded the BCPT Nordic Prize for 2022 in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Kim Brøsen has been a towering presence within European clinical pharmacology for 35 years. He is internationally recognized as an innovative, pioneering, and leading researcher within human drug metabolism and pharmacogenomics.

BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize 2022

Tore Bjerregaard Stage has been awarded the BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize for 2022 in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Meeting Toxicology in Denmark

DSTF hosted a meeting on “Toxicology in Denmark” on the 21.-22 April 2022 - see abstract book and presentation here.


[one_sixth]Date:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]September 2-5, 2018[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Location:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]Brussels, Belgium[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Title[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]EUROTOX 2018 – Toxicology Out of the Box[/three_fourth_last] The new deadline to submit your scientific proposals for the EUROTOX 2018 congress is now December 23, 2016 Website

Professor Jan Alexander (Norway) awarded the BCPT Nordic Prize 2016

Jan Alexander, who is the Deputy Director-General and Professor, MD, PhD at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, has been awarded the BCPT Nordic Prize 2016 in Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology in recognition of his more than 40 years of research in the field of food […]

Call for applications for financial support from BCPT to Focused Nordic Conferences AND Events

Call no. 1: Please check out the attached information about a BCPT-sponsored Nordic Conference within the fields of pharmacology and toxicology. Applications for up to 40,000 Euro should be directed to hhorneberg@health.sdu.dk and the deadline for this has been extended to 15 October 2016. Read more Call no. […]

9th Annual Meeting, Danish Society for Pharmacology

[one_sixth]Dato:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]January 18, 2017[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Location:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]University of Southern Denmark, Odense[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Title[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]9th Annual Meeting[/three_fourth_last] Abstract form Preliminary program Website

Eurotox Executive Committee

Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen is now a part of EUROTOX Executive Committee, being the first representative from Denmark to serve here. From Eurotox: Each time EUROTOX elects its Executive Committee, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Scientific Society.  We affirm the promise for our society’s existence […]

DSFTM skal afholde EUROTOX 2020

Ved et solidt stykke arbejde af DSFTM og ”the EUROTOX2020 ad hoc working group” er det lykkedes efter nogle forsøg at vinde æren til at afholde EUROTOX 2020-konferencen i København i Tivolis Kongrescenter. Se beskrivelse

Årsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Genetisk Epidemiologi

[one_sixth]Date:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]March 18, 2016[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Location:[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]Odense, Denmark[/three_fourth_last] [one_sixth]Title[/one_sixth][three_fourth_last]Precision medicine and personalized treatment in Denmark – time for a new and promising concept[/three_fourth_last] – View programme – Visit website