Abstract submission for Annual meeting 2024

At the DSTF annual meeting, we offer an ‘Early Career Session’ dedicated to young researchers – master students, PhD students and postdocs. Submit an abstract and be selected for oral or poster presentation, and get the opportunity to win prizes! Don’t forget to register to the meeting separately.

The aim of DSTF is to promote networking within the fields of pharmacology and toxicology, so your abstract is not constrained to this year’s meeting topic “Prediction Models and New Alternative Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology”.

The ‘Early Career Session’ consists of oral presentations followed by a poster session at day 1 (Monday November 11) with price winners announced the following day (Tuesday November 12).

We are excited to read your abstract and get an insight into your research. To submit an abstract, please use the template and send it to mail@dstf.dk. We ask that you limit the abstract to the space provided in the template. 

Deadline for abstract submission for the early career session was September 1, 2024

Troubles or questions? Contact us here.